官方/非官方成绩单可通过 门户网站 晚上8点到5点在克拉沃斯大厅111套房被接走.m.星期一至星期五. 需要带照片的身份证件.
在注册办公室查阅学术课程声明/变更表. It is required that you meet with an advisor in your intended new major before submitting the form to ensure your major/minor selection meets your career goals as well as abides by University policy. 需要顾问/系主任签名. 一旦你的请求被处理,注册办公室将处理它. 此更改应立即反映在您的CAMS学生门户网站后24至48 completed 表格被提交到我们办公室.
“W”不用于计算你的GPA. 有关“W”级的定义,请参阅大学公报.
此表格必须在注册主任办公室领取. 所有的签名都是必需的,这样表格才会被处理.
您将需要填写认证表格,可以在下面找到. 在学术标签下,点击学生表格. 您可以通过电子邮件发送完整的认证信, mailed, 或者你也可以到注册处领取.
在“学术”选项卡下填写“更换文凭表格”,然后点击“学生表格”. 更换费用为65美元.一般需要5-6周才能发货. 您可以将填好的表格通过电子邮件发送至registrar@furkid.net. Once you have sent to our office you will receive a confirmation email that letting you know that we have received your request. 在此之后,您可以通过我们的业务办公室615-329-8546付款.
Students are dismissed at the end of any semester if they are already on academic probation and continue to perform at a level too low to show promise of removal from probation, or if they have received a previous warning letter and have shown subsequent deterioration in performance. Academic dismissal for students admitted under the conditional admission status may occur immediately upon failure to meet any or all prescriptions outlined in the official acceptance letter.
向注册办公室申请重新入学的学生, 谁没有参加他们的录取期限或如果他们从他们的课程退学, 必须提交下一个学期的重新入学更新申请. 这不适用于那些退出课程的学生.
Student requirements bring proper identification to the registrar’s office in order to have the change processed a representative in the registrar’s office will complete the request.
• STEP 1: The student shall seek a conference with and/or forward a written appeal to the instructor awarding the grade. 不迟于学期第四周结束.
• STEP 2:如果导师不在菲斯克,或者学生不满意
•可以向开设该课程的系主任提出申诉. 不迟于获奖后两周. This appeal should be made in writing by the student giving all reasons and providing all documents in support of the change of grade.
• STEP 3:如果学生对第二步的上诉结果不满意.
• The School Dean must notify the student regarding the result of the appeal within 18 days after the written request was submitted.
• STEP 4最后上诉可向教务长办公室提出
Changes of major are sometimes necessary when students' academic or career plans change or when new interests develop after the initial declaration of major. 在这些情况下, the student should secure the change of major form (the same form used for initial declaration of major) from the Registrar. 学生向教务长办公室和教务长办公室提交表格, and the student's newly selected major department notifies the student's previous department of the change, 指派一名新的教员学术顾问, 并为新学生打开一个建议文件, 包括之前部门文件的内容, 哪个是由前一个部门转发给新部门的.
当学生试图注册一个已满的课程时,会发生CLOSED SECTION错误. 要解决此错误, 学生应注册另一部分课程或选择不同的课程. 封闭课程覆盖只能在退课/加课期间通过学术部门获得. Students will need to contact the instructor of the course and request an override and complete a drop/add form. 如果获得批准,该部门将联系注册主任办公室和教务处.
学生可以在退选/加选期间退选课程,不收取任何费用. 取消或增加课程的时间限制在大学的学术日历中指定的时间段内. A student wishing to drop a course must first consult with the course Instructor and his or her faculty academic advisor, 取得双方的签署作为协商发生的证据. A student who fails to complete a course or who ceases attending class or submitting work for the course must be assigned a failing grade unless the appropriate course withdrawal form has been filed in the 司法常务官办公室. 这些表格可以在网站或注册办公室找到.
Students can drop courses during the registration period before and at the beginning of every semester and session start. 放弃一门课程将从学业记录(成绩单)中删除,并免除课程费用. 所有退课的学生将获得W分, 在学期中期考试前的第一个星期. WP/WF is an instructor-approved withdrawal where no refund is granted and the withdrawal takes place after the course midpoint, 但在期末考试开始前四(四)周.
目录信息:如果学生要求,目录信息将被保留. 要保留目录信息,学生必须填写
- Name
- Address
成绩会在学期结束后的三至五天内公布. 暑期成绩将会公布. 查看校历,了解准确的期末成绩截止日期.
The grade of "I" (incomplete) is given when the student has substantially and satisfactorily completed the work in a class but due to unavoidable circumstances (illness or other valid reasons) lacks no more than two distinct course completion requirements. The student must have achieved an average of "C" or better in work completed for the course and will be responsible for having a clear understanding of the requirements for the completion of the course and removal of the "I". Work done must be submitted by the last day of classes during the next semester in which the student is enrolled, and the "I" grade must be removed by the end of the next semester during which the student is enrolled; otherwise, 它将自动被不及格分数(E)所取代。.
在学生门户网站上可以添加课程. 学生应咨询指定的教师学术顾问. 如果学生在导师不建议的情况下上课, 学生对这可能对他们毕业进程产生的影响承担全部责任. Students who do not register during registration times will be charged a “failure-to- register” fee if they were enrolled during the previous semester.