The 学生活动费 is assessed to cover the costs of campus events and programs that benefit student engagement and campus life such as intramurals, 社会事业, 学生活动委员会, student publications such as Student Planner/Handbook and the Fisk田径 Forum.
办公室 学生账户
The Vision of the 办公室 学生账户 is to establish a collaborative customer service approach that ensures academic excellence and student success. This is done by providing a complete and accurate billing statement with pending aid –通过学生门户网站提供; working with students to complete financial clearing; Communicate requirements and deadlines to students; provide timely, 响应, and effective customer service to work with students to resolve any open financial aid, student billing or other issues; provide options and guidance to students to plan for payment of balances.
与我们的 Staff
工作时间:上午8点.m. – 5:00 p.m. (中部时间)
正常工作时间:上午9点.m. – 4:30 p.m. (中部时间)
Outside 奖学金
All outside scholarship funds are fully credited to the student’s account at the time of receipt. We cannot credit your scholarship to your student account until the money is received by our office. 确保信用证及时开出, please have the donor/organization forward your check to the address below. 如要求提供等级, it is your responsibility to obtain the information and provide it to the organization.
学生的全名和/或学生一.D. #
1000 17th 大道北
其他费用 & 发生时评估的收费
The 文化富余费 is assessed to underwrite University Convocations, 全球和社区系列讲座, 公开演讲, 阅读, and cultural events designed to develop students as critically thinking leaders who are knowledgeable and reflective of their place in the world. We recognize that important collegiate learning also occurs through activities outside the classroom that engage students’ critical thinking skills, strengthen their understanding of national and international affairs, 他们对艺术的欣赏, and ultimately equip them to become ethical leaders in the global leaders in the global world.
The Technology fee supports the University’s computer system application services and core infrastructure that is central to the academic units of the University. 技术费为大学的网络提供资金, 切断设备, 学生计算机实验室, 帮助台支持, 教学技术, 校园和互联网接入, web applications and access to resources required to meet academic program needs.
Laboratory fees are charged to defray the cost of providing and maintaining instructional equipment in laboratories. The fee also covers the cost of using consumable materials (e.g. 玻璃器皿, 化学物质, paper, and/or other media) or use of department equipment or 设施 during instruction in science lab or lecture/lab, special storage and proper disposal of 化学物质 and clean-up so as to meet the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements.
测试费用包括初始数学的费用, languages and computer proficiency placement tests for incoming first-year students. The fee also covers the cost for general education proficiency pre and post testing at the start and end of students completing all core curriculum required courses. Finally, the fee covers the cost for exit examinations for all graduating seniors upon completion of all required declared major courses.
The one-time only 取向的费用 defrays the cost of new student orientation, activities and programs such as dinners for students and families, 社会活动, 教育项目, 实地考察旅行, etc.
承认 候选人应该 submit 200美元的费用.00到招生办. This deposit 保证学生进入班级的空间. 这是报名意向的证明. The max 押金可以挪两个学期. 校园住房文件将不会 提交 给学生,直到交完学费为止.
被录取的国际学生应 submit 500美元的费用.00美元(非)-refundable unless unable to secure a non-immigrant student visa). I-20文件和校园住房文件则不在此列 提交 支付给学生,直到支付费用为止.
A student may purchase a commuter meal plan and eat any meal on any day of the week while meals are served. The University offers four plan types: 25, 50, 75, and 100 commuter meal plans. 激活一个饮食计划, the student must apply through the 办公室 Student Engagement and remit payment for the charge to the Business Office.
This fee is assessed to defray the administrative costs associated with the coordination, design, 并通过考试考试管理学分. Students are also required to pay the tuition associated with each course they intend to include on their transcript through this process.
The 毕业典礼的费用 is assessed only to all graduates in the year of 毕业典礼. The onetime fee defrays the commencement expenses for undergraduate and graduate students which include, 但不限于, 学位帽及学士学位费, 学生文凭的印刷, 学士学位课程, 毕业典礼的程序和地点, 设施, 演讲者, 荣誉学位, 各种各样的招待会, 以及与毕业典礼有关的任何其他费用.
The parking permit fee is assessed to any student who wishes to park his/her vehicle on campus.